Healthy Lunchboxes, Healthy Teeth

It’s back to school time… so what does your lunchbox look like when your Dad’s a dentist?   Ascot Dental has the answer and encourages all patient’s, young and old to pack a nutritious and delicious lunch not just for a healthy body and mind – but to also maintain optimal health for your teeth and gums.         Healthy lunches can be fun when you combine exciting foods that are all natural

Teeth vs food & drink

What causes tooth decay? When we eat and drink, the bacteria in plaque use the sugars in food to make acid. Some food and drinks, such as soft drinks and fruit rollups, are already acidic. This acid makes holes in the teeth.   Tooth friendly food and drink examples Eggs Meat and fish Plain milk Water Tea Cheese Whole meal breads, pasta & rice Whole meal crackers Nuts Porridge   Tooth enemy examples   X

Top Ten Tooth Tips

1. Brush your teeth twice daily (at least!) This removes dental plaque, which is a build up of bacteria and food debris Helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease Freshens your breath 2. Clean between your teeth Use floss or interdental brushes every night Food and bacteria gets trapped between your teeth and the toothbrush alone can’t removed it, therefore it’s a common place for tooth decay Ask your dental team for a demonstration 3.